How do you know when you need a coach?

How do you know when you need a coach?

There’s a fine line between ‘I’m not having a good day, I’ll be ok tomorrow’ and ‘I don’t think I can meet my goals without expert guidance’. Knowing at what point to seek professional support through the help of a coach is crucial. Coaching is for those who recognise...
How to set goals and reach them

How to set goals and reach them

Every year, on the first of January, millions of people wake up convinced that life is going to get better. With heads full of resolutions, goals and targets, we tell ourselves that this year is going to be different. This time things will change because we’re going...
Why coaching is misunderstood

Why coaching is misunderstood

Coaching is for people who are really struggling. Coaching is the same as therapy. I don’t need coaching; I can just chat to my mates. Coaching is for people who aren’t successful. Coaches aren’t as qualified as proper therapists. I don’t need coaching – I...